Software AG Products 10.7 | Using CentraSite | Asset Management | Managing Assets through CentraSite Control | Browsing the Asset Catalog | Browsing the Catalog by Asset Type
Browsing the Catalog by Asset Type
You may use the Types panel to restrict the types on which the search is conducted. In the Types panel, CentraSite displays a list of the predefined asset types and user-defined custom asset types.
*To browse the catalog by asset type
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Asset Catalog > Browse.
A list of currently defined assets for which you have View permission is displayed in the area labeled Assets.
You may use the chevron to expand or collapse the Types panel.
2. To view a list of recently updated asset types in the CentraSite registry, click Update.
CentraSite displays a list of predefined and user-defined custom asset types.
3. In the Types panel, select one or more asset types whose asset instances you want to view.
4. To display the list of assets based on the selected type(s), leave the Search text box blank.
5. To further refine your list of assets, type in a keyword in the Search text box. You can use a wildcard character at any point in the keyword text, and multiple times throughout the keyword text.
Assets belonging to the selected type(s) and that contain the specified keyword are displayed in the Assets panel.