Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.5 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Universal Messaging Administration Guide | Command Line Administration Tools | Syntax reference for command line tools | Syntax: Miscellaneous Tools
Syntax: Miscellaneous Tools

Tool name:

Edits realm configuration parameters.

runUMTool EditRealmConfiguration -rname=<rname> [optional_args]

EditRealmConfiguration -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -listgroupconfiguration=all
(This will show all realm configuration parameters and their current value)

EditRealmConfiguration -rname=nsp://localhost:9000
(This will show Thread Pool Config parameters and their current values)

EditRealmConfiguration -rname=nsp://localhost:9000
-Audit_Settings.ChannelACL=false -Join_Config.MaxQueueSizeToUse=50
(This will set channelACL to false and MaxQueueSizeToUse to 50)

Required arguments:

rname :
Connection URL to the realm you want to edit configuration.

Optional Parameters:

NOTE - If you want to edit a realm configuration parameter you should
specify it like an optional parameter :
where space is escaped in <group_name> by using an underscore("_").
For example, if you want to change the parameter ChannelACL in the
group Audit Settings to "true" the optional parameter will look like:

listgroupconfiguration :
The configuration group for which you want to see values of parameters.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Exports selected realm to an XML file.

runUMTool ExportRealmXML -rname=<rname> -filename=<filename> [optional_args]

ExportRealmXML -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -filename=test.xml -exportall=true
(This will export all the information)

ExportRealmXML -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -filename=test.xml -realms=true
-realmconfiguration=true -channels=true -queues=true
(This will export information about realm set, realm configuration, channels
and queues)

Required arguments:

rname :
Connection URL to the realm you want to export.

filename :
File name where the information will be exported.

Optional Parameters:

exportall :
Export all information for the chosen realm.

clusters :
Include Cluster information in the export file.

datagroups :
Include DataGroups information in the export file.

realmall :
Export all information for realm including RealmSet,
RealmConfiguration, RealmSchedulerSet and RealmACLS(RealmPermissionSet)

realms :
Include RealmSet information in the export file.

realmconfiguration :
Include RealmConfiguration information in the export file.

realmschedule :
Include RealmSchedulerSet information in the export file.

realmacls :
Include RealmACLS (RealmPermissionSet) information in the export file.

channelsall :
Export all information for channels in the chosen realm
including ChannelEntry, ChannelACLs (ChannelPermissionSet), ChannelJoins,
DurableSet and JNDI Configuration.

channels :
Include ChannelEntry information in the export file.

channelacls :
Include ChannelACLs (ChannelPermissionSet) information in
the export file.

channeljoins :
Include ChannelJoins information in the export file.

durables :
Include DurableSet information in the export file.

jndiconfig :
Include JNDI Configuration information in the export file.

interfacesall :
Export all information for interfaces in the chosen realm
including Interfaces, InterfaceVIA (ACLs) and Interface Plugins.

interfaces :
Include Interfaces information in the export file.

interfacevia :
Include InterfaceVIA (ACLs) information in the export file.

plugins :
Include Interface Plugins information in the export file.

queuesall :
Export all information for interfaces in the chosen realm
including QueueEntry and QueueACLs (QueuePermissionSet).

queues :
Include QueueEntry information in the export file.

queueacls :
Include QueueACLs (QueuePermissionSet) information in the export file.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Tool for analysing configuration items and highlighting robustness improvements.

runUMTool HealthChecker [optional_args]


HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2,...

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -check=checkname1,checkname2,...

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2 -check=checkname1,checkname2,...

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -exclude=checkname1,checkname2,...

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -include=checkname1,checkname2,...

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -mode=default

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2 -mode=default

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -mode=all

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2 -mode=all

HealthChecker -rname=nsp://localhost:11000 -mode=all
-exclude=checkname1,checkname2,... -additionalArg1=... -additionalArg2=...

HealthChecker -xml=/path/to/xml1,/path/to/xml2 -mode=all
-exclude=checkname1,checkname2,... -additionalArg1=... -additionalArg2=...

Required arguments:

Optional Parameters:

mode :
Defines the initial set of 'HealthChecker' checks that the user can
manipulate (with 'exclude' or 'include' options).
There are two modes :
This option gives access to the recommended minimal subset of
checks. This is the default option if mode is not specified.
This option gives access to all checks. Executed without
'exclude' or 'check' it will execute all HealthChecker checks.

check :
Run only the specified check or checks. It should not be used together
with 'mode','include' or 'exclude arguments.

exclude :
Run all checks from the specified set (see 'mode') except the
specified check or checks. The parameter may contain a single check
or a comma-separated list of checks.

include :
Run all checks available with the given mode and additionally
include the check(s) specified via this parameter. The parameter may
contain a single check to include or a comma-separated list of checks.

Some of the health checks allow you to specify one or more additional
parameters when calling the HealthChecker. The name and purpose of each
additional parameter is specific to the individual health check being run.
For example, the DurableSubscriberLargeStoreCheck check allows you
to specify the additional parameter -threshold=<value>, which defines
a threshold for the number of remaining events to be consumed in a
shared durable.
All additional parameters are passed to all the HealthChecker checks;
if any given check has the capability to process any of the additional
arguments then it will, and the given check will ignore any
additional parameters that it cannot process.

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

Tool name:

Imports selected realm from an XML file

runUMTool ImportRealmXML -rname=<rname> -filename=<filename> [optional_args]

ImportRealmXML -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -filename=test.xml -importall=true
(This will import all the information present in selected file)

ImportRealmXML -rname=nsp://localhost:9000 -filename=test.xml -realms=true
-realmconfiguration=true -channels=true -queues=true
(This will import information about realm set, realm configuration, channels and
queues if present in selected file)

Required arguments:

rname :
Connection URL to the realm you want to import configuration.

filename :
File name from which the information will be imported.

Optional Parameters:

importall :
Import all information for the chosen realm.

clusters :
Import Cluster information if present in file.

datagroups :
Import Data Groups information if present in file.

realmall :
Import all information for realm including RealmSet,
RealmConfiguration, RealmSchedulerSet and RealmACLS(RealmPermissionSet)
if present in file.

realms :
Import RealmSet information if present in file.

realmconfiguration :
Import RealmConfiguration information if present in file.

realmschedule :
Import RealmSchedulerSet information if present in file.

realmacls :
Import RealmACLS(RealmPermissionSet) information if present in file.

channelsall :
Import all information for channels including ChannelEntry,
ChannelACLs (ChannelPermissionSet), ChannelJoins, DurableSet and
JNDI Configuration if present in file.

channels :
Import ChannelEntry information if present in file.

channelacls :
Import ChannelACLS information if present in file.

channeljoins :
Import ChannelJoins information if present in file.

durables :
Import DurableSet information if present in file.

jndiconfig :
Import JNDI Configuration information if present in file.

interfacesall :
Import all information for interfaces including Interfaces,
InterfaceVIA (ACLs) and Interface Plugins if present in file.

interfaces :
Import Interfaces information if present in file.

interfacevia :
Import InterfaceVIA (ACLs) information if present in file.

plugins :
Import Interface Plugins information if present in file.

queuesall :
Import all information for interfaces including QueueEntry and
QueueACLs (QueuePermissionSet) if present in file.

queues :
Import QueueEntry information if present in file.

queueacls :
Import QueueACLs (QueuePermissionSet) information if present in

username :
Your Universal Messaging server username.

password :
Your Universal Messaging server password.

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