Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData 10.5 | Managing Master Data with webMethods OneData | webMethods OneData User’s Guide | Filtering Data in OneData | Filtering in OneData | Applying a Filter to a Child Object
Applying a Filter to a Child Object
Child filtering (available only in conceptual objects) allows you to filter data by criteria in the child records that are not directly applicable to the main entity by either its subtype entities or related entities.
You can select a result on the key entity where the criteria are specified for one of its subtype or referenced entities. Child filtering also allows you to enter an Explicit Where Clause for the child entities.
* To filter on a parent object based on filter criteria entered in child object
1. On the Menu toolbar, click Manage > Manage Data.
2. Navigate to the conceptual object you want to view and select it.
3. In the Select a child filter field, select the child object to use in the filter.
Note: Based on the object configuration, OneData displays the Filter tab for a child object just below the parent object filter. This populates the columns in the child object.
For more information about default child filters, see Implementing webMethods OneData.
4. Enter the filter criteria for the child object and click Apply Filter.
OneData retrieves records for the conceptual (parent object) that match the criteria specified in the child object.

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