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About Task Comments and Attachments Sharing
As part of a collaborative workflow environment, the task developer can specify a scope that defines how comments and attachments are shared among other tasks. The following scope selections are available for comments and attachments in all tasks:
*Task Instance—This is the default scope. Each individual task instance has its own unique attachments and comments (that is, they are not shared).
*Process Instance—All tasks within the same business process model instance share their comments or attachments. This applies even when different task types are in use within the process model. When this scope is specified, you will see comments and attachments for all tasks started within that process model when you view the task comments or attachments of any task instance started from within the process model.
*Process Instance AND Task Control Set—All tasks within the same business process model instance that use the same control set share their comments or attachments. This applies even when different task types are in use within the process model. When this scope is specified, tasks started within that process model must share a task control set to enable sharing of task comments or attachments. For more information about control sets, see webMethods BPM Task Development Help.
*Collaboration Process—All tasks within a single collaboration process instance share comments or attachments. This applies even when different task types are in use within the collaboration process. For more information about collaboration processes, see About Collaboration Processes.

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