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About Automatic Verification
Automatic verification is performed on decision entities when they are opened or saved after modification. It can reflect both errors and warnings.
Representation of Warnings and Errors in the Decision Entity List Window
Decision tables with errors or warnings are marked by An error icon or A warning icon. Event rules with errors or warnings are marked by An error icon or A warning icon.
Representation of Warnings and Errors in the Decision Entity Editor Window
The respective cell of the decision entity in the Decision Entity Editor window is marked red (error) or yellow (warning).
Representation of Warnings in the Rule Project Verification Window
The warnings and errors appear in the Rule Project Verification window in the verification categories Syntax, Empty cells, Processing Modes, or Other. For more information about verification categories, see About Verification Categories.
Errors are marked by An error icon, warnings are marked by A warning icon.
If you click a link in the Resource column of the problems table, the respective decision entity opens in the Decision Entity Editor window, and it is highlighted in the Decision Entity List window.

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