DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Submitting and Receiving XML Documents | Submitting and Receiving XML in $xmldata | Considerations When Coding the Target Service to Receive the XML Document that is Passed in $xmldata
Considerations When Coding the Target Service to Receive the XML Document that is Passed in $xmldata
BecauseIntegration Server passes the parsed XML document in the node variable, the target service that receives the XML document must take a node variable as input.
The target service can then manipulate the data in the XML node. The target service can pass the node to another service that takes node as input, for example:
*pub.xml:queryXMLNode to query the node
*pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument to convert the node to an IData object
For more information about the pub.xml:queryXMLNode and pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument services, see webMethods Integration Server Built-In Services Reference.

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