DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Starting and Stopping the Server | Running Integration Server as a Windows Application vs. a Windows Service | Switching the Server from a Windows Application to a Windows Service
Switching the Server from a Windows Application to a Windows Service
To switch the server from a Windows application to a Windows service, you must manually register the Integration Server instance to run as a Windows service.
Note: The user whose identity will be used to run the Integration Server as a Windows service must be a Windows Administrator or member of the Windows Administrators group.
* To manually register an Integration Server instance to run as a Windows service
1. Edit the custom_wrapper.conf file to fit your environment.
For example, you might change the Java minimum heap size by updating the property. The custom_wrapper.conf file is located in the Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\configuration directory.
For more information about setting values in the custom_wrapper.conf file, see Software AG Infrastructure Administrator's Guide.
2. Open a command prompt, navigate to the Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory and run the following command to create the Integration Server service:
service.bat -install
Note: The installSvc.bat file located in Integration Server_directory \instances\instance_name \support\win32 directory is deprecated. Software AG recommends using the service.bat file from the Software AG_directory \profiles\IS_instance_name\bin directory.
In the Microsoft Windows Control Panel in the Services dialog box, verify that the service for Integration Server has been created.
3. Start the service from one of the following places:
*Services dialog box in the Microsoft Windows Control Panel
*Command prompt using the following command:
net start <SVCNAME>
where <SVCNAME> is the name of the service created in the previous step.

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