DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring webMethods Enterprise Gateway | Version Interoperability Between Enterprise Gateway Server and Internal Server
Version Interoperability Between Enterprise Gateway Server and Internal Server
Prior to version 9.7, Enterprise Gateway Server and Internal Server had to be the same version of Integration Server. However, beginning with version 9.7, this requirement is removed. Enterprise Gateway Server can now operate with previous versions of Integration Servers acting as Internal Servers. For example, Enterprise Gateway Server version 9.7 can work with Integration Server versions 9.7, 9.6, and 9.5 SP1 as the Internal Servers.
Interoperability between versions of Enterprise Gateway Server and Internal Server have the following benefits:
*You can upgrade only the Integration Server acting as Enterprise Gateway Server without having to upgrade the Integration Server acting as the Internal Server.
*You can leverage the features that are available in the latest releases of the Enterprise Gateway Server.
Keep the following information about Enterprise Gateway Server and Internal Server version interoperability in mind:
*The version of Enterprise Gateway Server must be equal to or higher than the version of Integration Server acting as the Internal Server.
*The version of Integration Server acting as the Internal Server must be 9.5 SP1 or later.
*You must obtain the correct webMethods Enterprise Gateway license from Software AG for the version of Enterprise Gateway that you want to run.
*If installing Enterprise Gateway for the first time, you must select the correct release version of webMethods Enterprise Gateway that you want to run from the list of available releases in the Software AG Installer regardless of the version of the Integration Server acting as the Internal Server. For example, to install Enterprise Gateway 9.7 you must select webMethods 9.7 as the Release version in Software AG Installer.
*You cannot upgrade Enterprise Gateway using the overinstallation procedure. To upgrade Enterprise Gateway, you must first install the Integration Server that you want to host Enterprise Gateway and then, install the higher version of Enterprise Gateway in the host Integration Server. For example, to upgrade Enterprise Gateway 9.6 that is hosted in Integration Server 9.6 to Enterprise Gateway 9.7, you must first install the host Integration Server 9.6. Then, you must run Software AG Installer again to install Enterprise Gateway 9.7 on the new installation of Integration Server 9.6.
*You must install Enterprise Gateway and Internal Server in different installation directories and preferably, on different machines. Do not configure a single Integration Server to be both an Enterprise Gateway Server and an Internal Server.
*Enterprise Gateway fixes are delivered as part of Integration Server fixes.
*If a version of Internal Server is not compatible with the Enterprise Gateway Server that you are configuring, Integration Server logs an error message stating the same in Enterprise Gateway Server as well as the Internal Server.
*Internal Server and Enterprise Gateway Server must use the same type of client authentication for the external port.
Integration Server 9.5 SP1 does not support using password digest for client authentication. If your Enterprise Gateway Server is 9.6 or higher, you cannot use digest authentication if your Internal Server is version 9.5 SP1.

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