DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working with REST API Descriptors | About Consumer REST API Descriptors
About Consumer REST API Descriptors
Creating a Consumer REST API Descriptor from a Swagger Document
If you want to use Integration Server as a REST client and want to create REST services automatically so that you can invoke the REST APIs that are hosted remotely, you can create a consumer REST API descriptor (RAD) using the Swagger document.
Once you create a consumer RAD, Integration Server generates various assets including a consumer RAD, REST connector services, and document types. Integration Server generates the document types and uses them as the input or output document type references in the connector service. These document types define the data exchange format for the REST operations. A REST connector service corresponding to each REST operation is a flow service containing the flow implementation to invoke an operation of the REST API. The input signature contains the parameters, the request body, authentication information, MIME types, protocols, and the host information. Users can override the host information. The output signature contains the response code returned from the REST API along with the response body. The response body is in the document format. You can execute the REST connector service and provide the necessary inputs and receive the response according to the output of the flow service.

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