DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Application Platform User Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Creating Application Platform Projects | Creating Web Projects
Creating Web Projects
Folder Structure of Web Projects
The Web Project wizard enables you to create servlet-based application components. To create web projects, you must configure the Application Platform Web facet.
* To create a web project in Application Platform
1. In Designer, go to File menu and select New.
Designer displays a context menu with all available wizards. The upper section lists the Application Platform wizards.
2. In the upper section of the context menu, click Web Project.
3. Enter a name for your web project.
4. On the App Platform Core Web UI Template page, specify the following:
a. In the Project name field, enter a name for your web project.
b. To create the project at the default location, select the Use default location check box.
c. To create the project at a different location, clear the Use default location check box and browse to the location you require.
5. Click Next.
6. On the project facets page, expand SoftwareAG Application Platform and select Application Platform Web.
7. Optionally, select other project facets and click Next.
8. Optionally, on the Java page, modify the project’s folder structure and default output folder.
9. Click Next.
10. On the App Platform Web Facet page, specify web context information in the Web Context field.
By default, this field is populated with the name of your project.
Note: When you build projects with Asset Build Environment in order to deploy them with Deployer, you must define the web context with the Web-ContextPath: OSGi manifest header property.
11. To complete the web project configuration, click Finish.

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