DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Application Platform User Guide | Developing with Application Platform in Designer | About Creating Application Platform Projects | Bundle Tool Templates for Projects
Bundle Tool Templates for Projects
When you publish a project to a server, an OSGi-compliant manifest file is automatically generated for the project in the src/main/resources/META-INF directory. This manifest contains default values for the minimal set of required OSGi headers. If you need additional values, you must dynamically customize the manifest file. For this purpose, you must create a Bnd template file for your project and include it in your project’s source control. When you create a Bnd template, the default template is added in the src/main/resources/OSGI-OPT directory of your project. You can customize the default Bnd template with a text editor. When your Application Platform project directory contains a Bnd template, the contents of the project manifest file are dynamically updated with the contents of the template every time you publish the project. If no Bnd template exists for a project, Application Platform uses the default contents of the manifest file when you publish the project.
Note: Use different package names for different projects, because Application Platform exports all packages by default. When you are working on more than one project, Application Platform may export the same package and version to different bundles. In such cases you can use split packages to avoid runtime errors.

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