DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working with Web Services | Working with Binders | Adding a Binder to Web Service Descriptor
Adding a Binder to Web Service Descriptor
Keep the following points in mind when creating a new binder:
*You can add a binder definition to a service first provider web service descriptor.
*All existing operations will be duplicated within the new binder.
*For a web service descriptor that runs in pre-8.2 compatibility mode (Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to true), the new binder must specify the same “use” as the binder that already exists in the provider web service descriptor. For more information about mixed use in binders, see Binders and Mixed Use.
*For a web service descriptor that does not run in pre-8.2 compatibility mode (Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to false), the new binder must specify the same “style” and “use” as the binder that already exists in the provider web service descriptor. For more information about mixed styles in binders, see Binders and Mixed Style.
*You can add a binder that specifies the JMS transport only if a valid provider web service endpoint alias exists for the JMS transport. For example, if the only web service endpoint alias that exists for JMS specifies a SOAP-JMS trigger that no longer exists, Integration Server does not consider the endpoint alias to be valid. Consequently, the endpoint alias cannot be assigned to a JMS binder. For more information about creating a web service endpoint alias, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide
*You can only add a JMS binder to a web service descriptor that does not run in pre-8.2 compatibility mode (Pre-8.2 compatibility mode property is set to false).
*In a JMS binder for a provider web service descriptor, the property values under JMS Settings and JMS Message Details are set by the web service endpoint alias assigned to the binder. The JMS Settings and JMS Message Details properties are read-only.
*If the WS-I compliance property is set to True, you can only create binders that comply with the WS-I profile.
* To add a binder to a service first provider web service descriptor
1. In the Package Navigator view in the Service Development perspective, open and lock the provider web service descriptor to which you want to add a binder.
2. In the Binders tab, click on the web service descriptor toolbar or right-click and select Add Binder.
3. In the New Binder Options dialog box, specify the following information:
In this field...
SOAP Version
Whether SOAP messages for this web service should use SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 message format.
The transport protocol used to access the web service. Select one of the following:
Use and Style for Operations
The style/use for operations in the provider web service descriptor. Select one of the following:
*Document - Literal
*RPC - Literal
*RPC - Encoded
The address at which the web service can be invoked. Do one of the following:
*To use a provider web service endpoint alias to specify the address, select the Alias option. Then, in the Alias list, select the provider web service endpoint alias.
Select DEFAULT(aliasName) if you want to use the information in the default provider web service endpoint alias for the address. If the Alias list includes a blank row, the Integration Server does not have a default provider web service endpoint alias for the protocol.
Note: If a default provider endpoint alias is later set for the selected protocol, then Integration Server uses the information from the alias when constructing the WSDL document and during run-time processing.
*To specify a host and port as the address, select the Host option. Then, in the Host field specify the host name for the Integration Server on which the web service resides. In the Port field, specify an active HTTP or HTTPS listener port defined on the Integration Server specified in the Host field.
Note: You can only specify Host and Port for the endpoint if a default provider endpoint alias does not exist for the selected protocol. When a default alias exists, Designer populates the Host and Port fields with the host and port from the default provider end point alias.
Note: If you selected JMS as the transport, you must specify an alias. After you select a provider web service endpoint alias, Designer displays the initial portion of the JMS URI that will be used as the address in the Port address (prefix) field.
The SOAP processor used to process the SOAP messages received by the operation in the provider web service descriptor. The Directive list displays all of the SOAP processors registered on the Integration Server. The default processor is ws - Web Services SOAP Processor.
4. Click OK. Designer adds the new binder to the Binders tab.
5. Click File > Save.
*If you specify HTTP or HTTPS as the transport, but do not specify a host, port, or provider web service endpoint alias and there is not a default provider endpoint alias for the transport protocol, Integration Server uses the primary port as the port in the endpoint URL. If the selected transport and the protocol of the primary port do not match, web service clients will not execute successfully. For more information see Protocol Mismatch Between Transport and Primary Port.
*You can change the default name that Designer assigns to the binder. You can rename the binder by changing the value of the Binder name property or by selecting the new binder, right-clicking it, and selecting Rename.

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