DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Performing Data Validation | Validation Errors
Validation Errors
During data validation, the validation engine generates errors when it encounters values that do not conform to the structural and content constraints specified in the blueprint. The format in which the validation engine returns errors depends on whether validation was performed using the built-in services or by checking the declared input and output parameters for the service.
*When the validation engine performs data validation by executing the built-in services pub.schema:validate or pub.schema:validatePipeline, errors are returned in the errors output variable (an IData list). For each validation error, the errors variable lists the error code, the error message, and the location of the error.
*When the validation engine performs validation by comparing run-time data to the declared input and output parameters, the validation engine returns all the validation errors in a string. This string contains the error code, error message, and error location for each error found during input/output validation.

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