DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Running Services | Using Launch Configurations to Run Services | Creating a Launch Configuration for Running a Service
Creating a Launch Configuration for Running a Service
Use the following procedure to create a launch configuration for use in running a service.
* To create a launch configuration for running a service
1. In Designer: Run > Run Configurations
2. In the Run Configuration dialog box, select IS Service and click to add a new launch configuration.
3. In the Name field, specify a name for the launch configuration
4. On the Service tab, in the Integration Server list, select the Integration Server on which the service for which you are creating a launch configuration resides.
5. In the Service field, enter the name of the service for which you are creating a launch configuration of click Browse to select the service.
6. Specify input values to pass the service.
a. On the Input tab, select Use IData.
b. Specify the input values to save with the launch configuration by doing one of the following:
*Type the input value for each service input parameter. For more information about providing input values, see Entering Input for a Service.
*To load the input values that match the structure of the service input signature from a file, click Load to locate and select the file containing the input values.
*To load input values from a file and replace the service input signature with the structure and data types in the file, click Load and Replace.
If Designer cannot parse the input data, it displays an error message indicating why it cannot load the data. For more information about loading input values from a file, see Loading Input Values.
c. If you want to pass empty variables (variables that have no value) to the service, select the Include empty values for String Type check box. When you select this option, empty strings are passed with a zero-length value. If you do not select this option, Designer excludes empty value from the IData it passes to the service as input.
7. If you want to save the input values that you have entered, click Save. Input values that you save can be recalled and reused in later tests.
8. Click Apply.
9. If you want to execute the launch configuration, click Run. Otherwise, click Close.

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