DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Properties | Package Properties | Package Replication Services
Package Replication Services
The Replication Services page of the Properties dialog box specifies the services assigned as replication services for the package. A replication service is one that the webMethods Integration Server automatically executes when you create a release of a package (full or partial) or when you create an archive for a package. Replication services provide a way for a package to persist state or configuration information so that these are available when the published package is activated on the remote server.
To open this page, click the package in the Package Navigator of Designer and select File > Properties > Replication Services.
You use the following buttons in the Replication Services page to add, edit, and remove replication services.
Use this button...
Add a replication service.
Insert a blank row for a replication service.
Delete the selected replication service.
Edit the selected replication service.

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