DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Managing Packages | Documenting a Package
Documenting a Package
Accessing Package Documentation
You can communicate the purpose and function of a package and its services to other developers by documenting the package.
* To create documentation for a package
1. Document the package in one or more web documents (such as HTML pages). Be sure to name the home page for the package documentation index.html. The index.html file can contain links to the other web documents for the package. An index.html file exists for each package installed by the Integration Server.
2. Place the documents in the pub subdirectory for the package on the Integration Server.
For example, place the package documentation for a package named “PurchaseOrders” in the following directory: IntegrationServer_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\PurchaseOrders\pub
Tip: An alternate location for package documentation is the IntegrationServer_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\doc directory. Typically, this directory is used for reference material such as PDFs that do not need to be published to the web.

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