DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Publishing and Retracting Metadata for IS and TN Assets | Publishing and Retracting Metadata
Publishing and Retracting Metadata
Considerations for Publishing and Retracting Metadata
Publishing Metadata for IS Assets or TN Document Types at the Integration Server Level
Retracting Metadata for IS Assets or TN Document Types at the Integration Server Level
Publishing Metadata for IS Assets or TN Document Types at the Asset Level
Retracting Metadata for IS Assets or TN Document Types at the Asset Level
Usage Notes for IS Assets
You can publish and retract IS assets, IS administrative assets, and TN document types. Designer publishes and retracts metadata using the credentials defined for a CentraSite connection in Designer. The CentraSite URL and credentials required for a CentraSite connection are specified in Designer preferences (Window > Preferences).
For more information about publishing and retracting metadata, see the information in Considerations for Publishing and Retracting Metadata and Usage Notes for IS Assets.

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