DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Building Java Services in Your Own IDE | Using the jcode Utility | Using jcode comp to Create Java Source from Fragments
Using jcode comp to Create Java Source from Fragments
Use the jcode comp command to build a composite from fragments in the namespace (ns) directory to rebuild a Java source file. The jcode utility saves the resulting Java source in the source directory of the package.
Important: The existing source file, if there is one, is overwritten by the source file that the jcode utility produces. User locks in Designer will not prevent this because the jcode utility operates independently of locking functionality.
Note: When building a Java service in your own IDE, you cannot use the comp command if you have not previously used the frag/fragall to split the source into fragments.
Command syntax for jcode comp
Use the jcode comp command to build a Java source file based on the current fragments for the Java service in the namespace (ns) directory of an Integration Server package.
jcode comp package folder
*package is the name of an Integration Server package.
*folder is the name of the folder in the specified package. This folder identifies the Java source that you want to rebuild.

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