DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working in the Layout Tab | What Is the Layout Tab | When Should You Use Layout Tab?
When Should You Use Layout Tab?
Because the Layout tab and the Tree tab provide the same capabilities for building a flow service, work in whichever page you find easier to use. You can easily switch between tabs when building a flow service. For example, you might find it easier to insert the flow steps and define the basic structure of a flow service in the Layout tab, but use the Tree tab to perform data mapping.
You might prefer to use the Layout tab if:
*You find that building a flow service as a flow chart is easier than building a flow service as a sequence of statements. You might be able to more easily envision the processes a flow service performs if you view the flow service as a diagram instead of as a series of line-by-line steps.
*You need to design a business process with someone unfamiliar with programming or unfamiliar with webMethods Integration Server. People who are not familiar with programming might be more comfortable with flow charts.
*You need to show diagrams of how the flow service works to management. (Flow services can be printed.)

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