DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working with Flat Files | Creating Flat File Dictionaries | Creating a Flat File Dictionary
Creating a Flat File Dictionary
You can create a flat file dictionary for use with flat file schemas. A flat file dictionary contains definitions of records, composites, and fields that can be used across multiple flat file schemas. Reusing these definitions reduces the amount of memory consumed by a flat file schema. Flat file dictionaries can also contain references to composite and field definitions in this dictionary and/or in other dictionaries.
For more information about the circumstances under which you might create and use a flat file dictionary, see When Should I Create a Flat File Dictionary?.
* To create a flat file dictionary
1. In the Package Navigator view of Designer, click File > New > Flat File Dictionary.
2. In the New Flat File Dictionary dialog box, type the name of the new flat file dictionary. Select a folder in which to save the flat file dictionary. You must have Write access to the folder in which you want to save the flat file dictionary and this folder must be dependent on the WmFlatFile package.
For more information about package dependencies, see About Package Dependencies.
3. Click Finish.
The flat file dictionary you created is automatically selected, and Designer displays it in the Package Navigator view. You now can use the flat file dictionary editor to configure the flat file dictionary.
Note: You can quickly create a flat file dictionary by right-clicking the folder, selecting New > Flat File Dictionary. Enter a name for the flat file dictionary in the New Flat File Dictionary dialog box and click Finish. Designer automatically creates a flat file dictionary in the selected folder.

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