DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working with webMethods Messaging Triggers | About Transient Error Handling for a webMethods Messaging Trigger | Handling Retry Failure
Handling Retry Failure
Overview of Throw Exception for Retry Failure
Overview of Suspend and Retry Later for Retry Failure
Retry failure occurs when Integration Server makes the maximum number of retry attempts and the trigger service still fails because of an ISRuntimeException. When you configure retry properties, you can specify one of the following actions to determine how Integration Server handles retry failure for a webMethods messaging trigger.
*Throw exception. When Integration Server exhausts the maximum number of retry attempts, Integration Server treats the last trigger service failure as a service error. This is the default behavior.
*Suspend and retry later. When Integration Server reaches the maximum number of retry attempts, Integration Server suspends the webMethods messaging trigger and then retries the trigger service at a later time.

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