DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Working with webMethods Messaging Triggers | About Execution Users for webMethods Messaging Triggers | Assigning an Execution User to a webMethods Messaging Trigger
Assigning an Execution User to a webMethods Messaging Trigger
Make sure that the user account you select includes the credentials required by the execute ACL assigned to the services associated with the webMethods messaging trigger.
Note: The Execution user property only applies to webMethods messaging triggers that receive documents from Universal Messaging. The publishable document type to which a trigger subscribes determine the messaging provider from which the trigger receives documents. The Execution user property is display only if a webMethods messaging trigger receives locally published documents or documents published to webMethods Broker.
* To assign an execution user for a webMethods messaging trigger
1. In the Package Navigator view of Designer, open the webMethods messaging trigger for which you want to set the execution user.
2. In the Properties view, under General, in the Execution user property, type the name of the user account whose credentials Integration Server uses to execute a service associated with the webMethods messaging trigger. You can specify a locally defined user account or a user account defined in a central or external directory.
3. Click File > Save.

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