DevOps Edition for Continuous Integration 10.5 | Service Development Help | Debugging Java Services | About Java Application Launch Configuration
About Java Application Launch Configuration
Creating a Java Application Launch Configuration
Updating a Java Application Launch Configuration
When debugging a Java class, the Java Development Tools (JDT) debugger requires a Java Application launch configuration. If you do not create one, Designer will automatically create one on the fly and save it locally. You can use this configuration from one session to the next. In fact, Designer reuses this configuration every time you debug the service without creating a launch configuration.
You cannot use the same launch configuration that you use to run a Java service. To run a Java service, you create an IS Service launch configuration, which defines settings for how the service is to run on Integration Server. For debugging Java services, you need a Java Application launch configuration, which defines settings for how the Java class executes in the Service Development Project.
The following lists the tabs available when creating a Java Application launch configuration and the type of information you specify on each:
*Main tab. Specify the name of the Service Development Project that contains the Java class you want to debug and the fully-qualified name of the Java class.
Select the Stop in main check box if you want the debugger to suspend execution in the main method when you launch the Java class in debug mode. For more information, see How to Suspend Execution of a Java Class while Debugging.
*Arguments tab. Specify Program and JVM arguments to use when debugging. You might want to set JVM arguments to match the settings Integration Server uses so that your test more closely matches how the Java service would execute in Integration Server.
*JRE tab. Specifies the JRE to use when executing the Java class in debug mode. By default, it is set to the JRE in the Service Development Project. You can specify an alternative JRE to use when debugging.
*Classpath tab. Specifies the location of class files to use when executing the Java class in debug mode.
*Source tab. Specifies the location of source files to display in the Debug view. If you want to debug the source associated with any third-party jar files, you can specify them on this tab.
*Environment tab. Specifies the environment variable values to use when executing the Java class in debug mode.
*Common tab. By default, Designer saves launch configurations to an unexposed location of the workspace. However, you might want to share launch configurations with other developers. You can specify that Designer save a launch configuration to a shared file using the Shared file option and providing a workspace location in which to save the file.

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