Designing and Implementing Business Process Models 10.5 | Designing and Implementing Business Process Models | Implementing E-form Support for BPM | Setting up an E-form Repository | E-form Repository Considerations
E-form Repository Considerations
This chapter describes how to set up My webMethods Server to serve as an e-form repository You can find general information about e-form repositories in Introduction to E-forms Integration
Be aware of the following items as you set up your repository:
*If you do not want to store e-form templates in your repository, you can store them in a file system or even on a web server. For more information, see Other E-form Template Storage Options. Each supported e-form template has a defined file name extension; for example, .xsn for InfoPath, and .xdp for LiveCycle. When you add e-form templates into the content repository templates folder, you must ensure that you include those extensions with the name.
*You must create a separate e-form instance folder for each e-form document you work with. Each supported e-form instance has a defined file name extension; for example, .xml for InfoPath, and .xdp for LiveCycle. When you add e-form instances into the content repository instances folder, you must ensure that you include those extensions with the name.
*Your internal data network and permissions configuration must allow Software AG Designer and the webMethods run-time components (Integration Server, Process Engine, and Task Engine) to be able to access the repository folders and read the templates and instances in them.
Note: The Task Engine does not interact with instances directly; however, it is possible to implement a custom portlet within a task to upload e-form instances to the instances folder, in which case access to the instances folder would be required.
*After you create your repository folders, you must configure an e-forms environment for each of your e-form repository folder locations, and deploy that environment to the Integration Server host(s) where your e-form enabled processes will be running, as described in Configuring and Deploying an E-form Environment.
*If you plan to use WebDAV to connect to your repository folders, be sure to review the information in WebDAV Considerations.

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