Product/Service modeling
ARIS provides various model types for describing a company's products and services.
Products or services are generated or provided in the course of a value creation process. They are the result of a human act or a technical procedure. The term product/service refers to the supply of either services or goods.
Goods can be consumable products, material types, operating resource types, technical operating supply types, or packaging material types. The trigger for creating a product or service is always the demand of an organizational unit or a customer. Goods are offered to the customer in the form of tangible merchandise.
Services are intangible products standing out for the fact that they are simultaneously produced and consumed.
For example, typical providers of pure services are banks, insurance companies, or public authorities.
The stronger the customer orientation in the market segment of a product provider, the more important it is for that provider to closely observe and improve the services in the product environment.
Therefore, the various model types available in ARIS are designed for describing both individual products or services and a combination of products and services.
You can use the following model types for product/service modeling:
Product/Service exchange diagram
Product/Service tree
Product allocation diagram
Product tree
Product selection matrix