Designing and Implementing Business Process Models 10.5 | Designing and Implementing Business Process Models | ARIS Method manual | Modeling BPMN 2.0 | Process | Events | Catch events and throw events
Catch events and throw events
Events can be:
*catch events (all start and a number of intermediate events)
*throw events (all end events a number of intermediate)
Mapping the attributes and model associations to ARIS
BPMN attribute name
Implementation in ARIS
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: sixty-three different symbols (see below)
Catch Event
inherits from FlowElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: different start or intermediate event symbols
eventDefinitionRefs: EventDefinition [0..*]
Occurrence copy of the corresponding throw event.
eventDefinitions: EventDefinition [0..*]
Attribute type Event definition (AT_BPMN_EVENT_DEFINITION) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT). The values of this attribute type are: None, Message, Timer, Error, Escalation, Cancel, Compensation, Conditional, Link, Signal, Multiple, Parallel multiple (as special case of Multiple).
Each event definition has a specific marker inside the event symbol.
dataOutputAssociations: DataOutputAssociation [0..*]
Currently not implemented.
dataOutput: dataOutput [0..*]
Connection type in the BPMN process diagram (BPMN 2.0) and the BPMN collaboration diagram (BPMN 2.0): Event (symbol: only catch events) has as output Cluster/data model
outputSet: OutputSet [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
Throw event
inherits from FlowElement
Object type: Event (OT_EVT) Symbols: different intermediate or end event symbols
eventDefinitionRefs: EventDefinition [0..*]
Occurrence copy of the corresponding catch event.
eventDefinitions: EventDefinition [0..*]
Attribute type Event definition (AT_BPMN_EVENT_DEFINITION) in the attribute type group BPMN 2.0 attributes of object type Event (OT_EVT). The values of this attribute type are: None, Message, Error, Escalation, Cancel, Compensation, Link, Signal, Terminate, Multiple. Each event definition has a specific marker inside the event symbol.
dataInputAssociations: DataInputAssociation [0..*]
Currently not implemented.
dataInput: DataInput [0..*]
Connection type in the BPMN process diagram (BPMN 2.0) and the BPMN collaboration diagram (BPMN 2.0): Cluster/data model is input for event (symbol: only throw events)
inputSet: InputSet [0..1]
Currently not implemented.
Implicit Throw Event
inherits from ThrowEvent
Currently not implemented.

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