B2B Integration 10.5 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Built-In Services Reference | Security Folder | Summary of Elements in this Folder | wm.tn.security:deleteCertificateData
Deletes a signing, decryption, or SSL client certificate from the Trading Networks database.
Input Parameters
String (optional) The internal ID that uniquely identifies the certificate data to be deleted.
See the Usage Notes at the end of this service’s description for information about the relationship between the certID, ownerID, partnerID, and usage parameters.
String (optional) The internal partner ID of the owner of the certificates.
See the Usage Notes at the end of this service’s description for information about the relationship between the certID, ownerID, partnerID, and usage parameters.
String (optional) The internal partner ID of the certificate owner’s partner.
If partnerID is not specified, the default certificate set is deleted.
See the Usage Notes at the end of this service’s description for information about the relationship between the certID, ownerID, partnerID, and usage parameters.
String Specify how the certificate is used:
*sign - A signing certificate for the owner to send digitally signed documents to the partner.
*decrypt - An encrypt certificate for the owner to send encrypted documents to the partner.
*ssl - A client SSL certificate for the owner to establish an SSL connection to the partner’s secure server.
Output Parameters
String Whether the certificate data is successfully deleted from the Trading Networks database. The value 1 indicates success. A null value indicates failure.
Usage Notes
*Be aware that the certificate data you delete might be a default certificate set, depending on how the certificate data was defined by wm.tn.security:addCertificateData.
*If certID is specified, ownerID, partnerID, and usage are ignored. If certID is not specified, you must specify ownerID, partnerID, and usage.

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