B2B Integration 10.5 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Administrator's Guide | Preparing for Document Delivery | Creating Custom Immediate Delivery Services | Registering the New Delivery Service
Registering the New Delivery Service
Execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service to register your new delivery service. One of the input variables of the wm.tn.delivery:registerService built-in service is serviceName. The value you specify for serviceName becomes the name of the delivery option that My webMethods displays in lists that contain all delivery options. You can execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from Software AG Designer, as explained below.
If you later need to change the parameters you specify in this procedure, remove the service using the wm.tn.delivery:removeService service and then repeat this procedure.
* To register the new delivery service
1. In Software AG Designer, select the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service from the Navigation Panel.
2. Select Test > Run. Software AG Designer displays this dialog box:
Software AG Designer dialog box
3. Fill in the input parameters listed in the following table:
Unique name to assign to the delivery service and therefore the delivery method (for example, Message Queue).
Host name of the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. If the delivery service resides on the local machine, specify localhost or leave host blank; do not specify the host name for the local machine.
To invoke a delivery service on a remote server, Trading Networks opens an HTTP connection and posts the document to be delivered.
Important: When you specify a host name, Trading Networks assumes the delivery service is on a remote server. If the delivery service is on the local machine, this consumes resources unnecessarily.
Port for the Integration Server that hosts Trading Networks. If you leave host blank, do not specify a value for port.
User name of a user account that has the authority to execute the wm.tn.delivery:registerService service. If host is localhost or blank, Trading Networks ignores user.
Password for the user account identified in user. If host is localhost or blank, Trading Networks ignores password.
Note: The password is securely managed by the Integration Server's Password Manager.
Fully-qualified folder name of the new delivery service (for example, TNCustomize.deliveryServices).
Service name of the new delivery service (for example, messageQueue).
Whether the service you are registering is an immediate (click false) or scheduled delivery service (click true).
4. Click OK.

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