Field | Description | Recommended Value |
Maximum Elements in Memory | Total number of entries that this cache can keep in on-heap memory. Note: Software AG recommends not to set this field to 0 because of the large size of each agreement. | 1000 |
Eternal | Specifies how long entries are to remain in the cache. When selected, the entries in this cache will never expire once they are put into the cache. Note: When selected, entries in cache do not undergo time based eviction, and Time to Live and Time to Idle values are ignored. When Eternal is not selected, the entries remain in cache depending on the values of Time to Live and Time to Idle. | Selected |
Overflow to Disk | Specifies where entries are written when the memory-based portion of on-heap and off-heap cache is filled. When selected, the entries are written to disk when the cache is full. Note: This check box is not selected by default. Note that selecting this option can affect performance of Trading Networks especially where database entries for a particular transaction are distributed across cache and disk. Therefore, Software AG recommends disabling this option for use with Trading Networks. The following behavior is noticed when cache is full and when the Overflow to Disk property is not selected: For a bounded cache (when Maximum Elements in Memory is limited), the entries are evicted from the cache according to the eviction policy. These entries are later fetched from the Trading Networks database when required. For an unbounded cache (when Maximum Elements in Memory is 0), an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. Increasing the Java heap size can accommodate more entries in cache. | Not selected |
Memory Store Eviction Policy | Policy used to remove entries from the cache when the value in Maximum Elements in Memory is reached. | FIFO (First In First Out) |