B2B Integration 10.5 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | webMethods Module for EDIINT | Before You Can Transport Documents Using EDIINT | Including EDIINT Information in Profiles | Extended Fields Tab of the Profile
Extended Fields Tab of the Profile
The following table lists the Extended Fields tab fields you should supply for EDIINT on the Partner Profile page in My webMethods.
In this Extended Fields tab field...
The e-mail address that is to accept inbound AS1 EDIINT MDNs (for example, receiver@company.com ), if you are using EDIINT AS1.
An inbound AS1 MDN is by definition asynchronous because it is not returned using the same connection as that of the originally sent document.
The URL that is to accept inbound AS2 EDIINT MDNs, if you are using EDIINT AS2.
*To accept MDNs via HTTP, specify a URL that includes the /invoke/ element to invoke the wm.EDIINT:receive service. For example (where host:port would be an actual host and port number):
http:// host:port /invoke/wm.EDIINT/receive
*To accept AS2 MDNs via SMTP, specify a URI similar to the following:
An inbound AS2 MDN could be synchronous (HTTP only) or asynchronous (SMTP or HTTP). A synchronous MDN is returned using the same HTTP connection as that of the originally sent document.
Encryption Algorithm
The encryption option to use for outbound EDIINT messages. Select from:
* TripleDES (This is the default.)
* RC2 40 (40 bits)
* RC2 64 (64 bits)
* RC2 128 (128 bits)
The SMIME type to use for payloads sent and received by the trading partner. Use:
* plain, for payloads are neither signed nor encrypted.
* signed, for payloads are signed.
* encrypted, for payloads are encrypted.
* signedAndEncrypted, for payloads that are signed and encrypted. This is the default.
For more information about how the SMIME Type extended profile field is used during inbound processing, see How the SMIME Type Profile Field Affects Processing Payloads. For more information about how the SMIME Type extended profile field is used during outbound processing, see Setting the SMIME Type of the Outbound EDIINT Document.
Whether the outbound message is compressed before signing and/or encrypting it. Use:
*True, to compress the outbound message before signing and/or encrypting it.
*False, to sign and/or encrypt the message without compressing it. This is the default.
Delivery Method
The delivery method you want to use to send the EDIINT document.
*For EDIINT AS1, specify one of the following:
*PrimarySMTP (corresponds to the Trading Networks Primary E-mail delivery method)
*SecondarySMTP (corresponds to the Trading Networks Secondary E-mail delivery method)
*For EDIINT AS2, specify one of the following:
*For EDIINT AS3, specify AS3.
Request MDN
Whether you want the receiver to return an MDN. Use:
*none, to not request a return MDN.
*synchronousMDN, to request a return synchronous MDN.
*asynchronousMDN, to request a return asynchronous MDN.
Request Signed Receipt
Whether you want a signed MDN. Use:
*True, to request a signed MDN.
*False, to request a plain (unsigned) MDN.
Your partner's user name if you are using EDIINT AS3 and you are the hosting partner (that is, your partner will access your FTP server), so that EDIINT can place EDIINT AS3 messages and MDNs in the userFtpRoot\username\AS3\inbox directory. Your partner will download the messages and MDNs from this directory. For more information about the inbox directory, see Creating Directories for Uploading/Downloading.

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