Defining a Partner-Specific EDITPA When Using Non-Standard Processing
You only need to create partner-specific EDITPAs if you have one or more sender/receiver pairs that require settings that are different from those you specify in the default EDITPA. When creating a partner-specific EDITPA, you have to specify only the information that is different from the defaults. Define partner-specific EDITPAs for group-level sender/receiver pairs.
For more information about default and partner-specific EDITPAs, see
Defining EDI Trading Partner
Agreements. For more information about defining partner-specific EDITPAs, see
Defining a Partner-Specific EDITPA.
Note: You can disable partner-specific EDITPAs. When you disable a partner-specific EDITPA, Module for EDI functions as if the partner-specific EDITPA does not exist. That is, Module for EDI uses the values in the default EDITPA.