Comparing Integration Server Folders
When you compare the contents of two folders, Designer provides a summary of the differences in folder contents in the Change List panel. However, Designer does not display a Content panel for a side-by-side comparison of an individual difference. Instead, you can use the Change List panel to locate the elements in the Package Navigator view and then compare the individual elements.
Before comparing individual
Integration Server folders, make sure to review the guidelines in
Guidelines for Comparing Packages,
Folders, and Elements.
To compare two
Integration Server folders
1. In Package Navigator view, do one of the following:
To compare two selected folders in the Package Navigator view, select a folder and press the CTRL key while you select another folder with which you want to compare it. Right-click either selected item and select
Compare Element(s) With > Each Other.
Two compare a folder in the Package Navigator view with an identically named folder on another
Integration Server, select the folder on one server. Then, right-click and select
Compare Element(s) With > Other Server and select the server on which the second folder resides.
If there are differences between the two folders, Designer displays a compare editor. If there are no differences, Designer displays a message indicating that there are no differences.
2. In the compare editor that Designer opens, do one or more of the following to select a difference in the Change List panel,
Right-click an
Added or
Changed difference and select
Show Left Element in Package Navigator to show the “left” item in the Package Navigator view. Here, “left” means the item is in the folder that is alphabetically lower in A to Z ascending order.
Right-click a
Changed difference and select
Show Right Element in Package Navigator to show the “right” item in the Package Navigator view. Here, “right” means the item is in the folder that is alphabetically higher in A to Z ascending order.
Open in Compare Editor to open the element-level view of the difference in another instance of the compare editor.
Note: The Open in Compare Editor option in only available for Changed items.
3. Use the toolbar icons or their equivalent keyboard shortcuts listed below to navigate among the items in the Change List panel:
Previous difference:
CTRL + , or
Next difference:
CTRL + . or