COMMIT_SIZE | String Optional. Number of documents, processes, or services to archive or delete at a time. Note: This parameter is ignored for server data. |
PROCESS_SCHEMA | String Optional. To archive from the Process Audit Log database component, enter the following for the Process Audit Log database component. If the RDBMS is: Oracle Enter the database user. SQL Server Enter the database name. DB2 Enter the schema name. If you do not want to archive from the Process Audit Log database component, enter null. |
ISCORE_SCHEMA | String Optional. To archive from the IS Core Audit Log database component, enter the following for the IS Core Audit Log database component. If the RDBMS is: Oracle Enter the database user. SQL Server Enter the database name. DB2 Enter the schema name. If you do not want to archive from the IS Core Audit Log database component, enter null. |
PROCESS_DAYS_TO_ RETAIN | String Optional. Default number of days to keep the process data in the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components, ending with and including the current date. The service archives or deletes process data that is older than the retention period. |
PROCESS_ARCHIVE_ ACTION | String Optional. Default action to indicate whether a service should archive or delete the process data. ARCHIVE Default. Copy the process data from the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components to the Archive database component. DELETE Delete the process data from the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components without archiving it first. |
PROCESS_STATUS_ CRITERIA | String Optional. Default statuses of the process data that services should use to archive or delete the process data. Process data in other statuses is retained in the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components. 2 Default. Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Completed. 4 Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Failed. 1024 Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Stopped. 32768 Archive or delete data for processes with a status of Resubmitted. |
SERVICE_DAYS_TO_ RETAIN | String Optional. Default number of days to keep the service data in the or IS Core Audit Log database component, ending with and including the current date. The service archives or deletes service data that is older than the retention period. |
SERVICE_ARCHIVE_ ACTION | String Optional. Default action to indicate whether a service should archive or delete the service data. ARCHIVE Default. Copy the service data from the IS Core Audit Log database component to the Archive database component. DELETE Delete the service data from the IS Core Audit Log database component without archiving it first. |
SERVICE_STATUS_ CRITERIA | String Optional. Default statuses of the service data that services should use to archive or delete the service data. Service data in other statuses is retained in the IS Core Audit Log database component. 2 Default. Archive or delete data for services with status of Completed. 4 Archive or delete data for services with a status of Failed. 32768 Archive or delete data for services with a status of Resubmitted. 32776 Archive or delete data for services with a status of Activity. |
ACTIVATION_DAYS_TO_ RETAIN | String Optional. Default number of days to keep the 4.x activation data in the or IS Core Audit Log database component, ending with and including the current date. The service archives or deletes 4.x activation data that is older than the retention period. Note: Logging data for activations has been deprecated. |
ACTIVATION_ARCHIVE_ ACTION | String Optional. Default action to indicate whether a service should archive or delete the 4.x activation data. Note: Logging data for activations has been deprecated. ARCHIVE Default. Copy the 4.x activation data from the IS Core Audit Log database component to the Archive database component. DELETE Delete the 4.x activation data from the IS Core Audit Log database component without archiving it first. |
ACTIVATION_STATUS_ CRITERIA | String Optional. Default statuses of the 4.x activation data that services should use to archive or delete the 4.x activation data. Data for 4.x activations in other statuses is retained in the IS Core Audit Log database component. Note: Logging data for activations has been deprecated. 2 Default. Archive or delete data for 4.x activations with a status of Completed. 4 Archive or delete data for 4.x activations with a status of Failed. |
DOCUMENT_DAYS_TO_ RETAIN | String Optional. Default number of days to keep the document data in the or IS Core Audit Log database component, ending with and including the current date. The service archives or deletes document data that is older than the retention period. |
DOCUMENT_ARCHIVE_ ACTION | String Optional. Default action to indicate whether a service should archive or delete the document data. ARCHIVE. Default. Copy the document data from the IS Core Audit Log database component to the Archive database component. DELETE. Delete the document data from the IS Core Audit Log database component without archiving it first. |
SERVER_DAYS_TO_ RETAIN | String Optional. Default number of days to keep the server data in the or IS Core Audit Log database component, ending with and including the current date. The service archives or deletes server data that is older than the retention period. |
SERVER_ARCHIVE_ ACTION | String Optional. Default action to indicate whether a service should archive or delete the server data. ARCHIVE. Default. Copy the server data from the IS Core Audit Log database component to the Archive database component. DELETE. Delete the server data from the IS Core Audit Log database component without archiving it first. |
DBO_PROCESSES | Boolean Optional. Determines whether Dynamic Business Orchestrator processes are archived. Valid values are: TRUE. Dynamic Business Orchestrator processes are archived. FALSE. Default. Process Engine processes are archived. |
DBO_PROCESS _STATUS_CRITERIA | String Optional. When the value of the DBO_PROCESSES parameter is set to TRUE, the value of this parameter determines the statuses of the process data that services use to archive the Dynamic Process Orchestrator process data. Dynamic Process Orchestrator process data in other statuses is retained in the IS Core Audit Log and Process Audit Log database components. Valid values are: 102. Default. Completed Dynamic Process Orchestrator processes. 103.Default. Cancelled Dynamic Process Orchestrator processes. 104. Default. Terminated Dynamic Process Orchestrator processes. Note: The criteria values of this parameter are separated by commas. |
USE_BATCH_ARCHIVE | Boolean Optional. ORACLE only. Determines batch archiving is enabled for service archiving and server archiving for faster archiving operations.. Valid values are: TRUE. Server and service archiving will use batch archiving. FALSE. Default. Server and service archiving will not use batch archiving. |
message | String Message that indicates that the parameters have been set. |