Viewing Rollback List and Rollback Details
The Rollbacks tab displays a list of the available asset promotion rollbacks in API Gateway. The rollbacks are listed alphabetically by name.
In addition, you can also examine the details of a rollback, and delete the rollback history in the Rollbacks tab.
To view the rollback list and rollback details
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Promotion management. 2. Select Rollbacks.
The Rollbacks tab displays a list of available asset promotion rollbacks.
This tab provides the following information about each rollback:
Column | Description |
Name | Name of the rollback. |
Promotion time | The time at which the asset promotion was rolled back. |
Status | The status report on the rollback operation. |
3. Examine the Report link in the Status column and check for any errors that occurred during the rollback process.
The Promotion status report displays the following information:
Column | Description |
Asset Type | Name of the asset type that was promoted from the source instance. |
Asset Name | Name of the asset that was promoted from the source instance. |