Software AG Products 10.5 | Using CentraSite | Organization Management | Managing Organizations through CentraSite Business UI | Modifying Child Organization's Details
Modifying Child Organization's Details
To modify child organization details, you must have the Manage Organizations permission on the organization's parent (or other antecedent).
You modify an existing child organization information using the Search Results page or using the Organization Details page.
*To view or modify a child organization
1. In the CentraSite Business UI activity bar, click Organizations.
This displays a list of defined organizations in the Organizations page.
2. Click the parent organization that contains the required child organization.
3. In the navigation panel, select Child Organizations.
This displays a list of all the child organizations of this parent organization.
4. Click a child organization whose details you want to modify.
The details include:
*The child organization's basic information (organization's postal address, the web page URL, the name of the organization's administrator, and a general description of the organization).
*The immediate child organizations of this organization.
*The users who belong to this organization.
*The groups which belong to this organization.
*The roles that belong this organization.
Also, the actions bar displays the set of actions that are available for working with the displayed child organization.
5. To modify the child organization's details displayed in the Basic Information profile, click Edit.
6. Modify the values for the child organization’s fields in the Child Organization Details page as required.
7. Click Save to update the organization information.