Column | Detail |
id | Unique identifier of the event that produced the audit record. |
eventType | Type of event (audit log) that produced the record. |
creationDate | Date and time the event entry was written to the log. |
objectType | Type of object (for example, User, API, Application, and so on) on which the event occurred. |
action | Type of action (for example, Create, Update, Delete, and so on) that was performed on the object. |
object | Unique identifier of the API Gateway object on which the action was performed. |
message | Message that describes the event that occurred. |
user | Name of a user on the API Gateway instance that triggered the event. |
sourceMachine | The host name of the machine on which the API Gateway instance is running. |
clientIPAddress | IP address of the machine on which the API Gateway instance is running. |
payload | The request payload defined for the event. |
status | Current status of the event (Success or Failure). |