Software AG Products 10.5 | Using API Gateway | API Gateway Administration | Security Configuration | Ports | Configuring IP Access Mode for a Port | Denying Access to All IP Hosts
Denying Access to All IP Hosts
The following procedure describes how to change the IP access settings for an individual port to Deny by Default and allow some hosts.
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select Security > Ports.
The ports page lists all ports configured with API Gateway, if any.
3. Click the IP Accessmode button for the port that you want to configure the IP access mode.
The options to configure the port access mode are displayed.
4. Select Deny by default.
5. In the Allow List field, provide the names of hosts for which you want to allow access to the port and click Add.
You can specify the host names (for example, or IP addresses (for example, 132.906.19.22 or 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348) in the above fields. Repeat this step to add the required host names and IP addresses to the list. Also, you can also edit or delete the entered values by clicking the respective action next to the required value.
The host names or IP addresses can include upper and lower case alphabetic characters, digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods (.) but cannot include spaces. For IPv6, IP addresses can also include colons (:) and brackets ([]).
You can use the following pattern-matching characters to identify several clients with similar host names or IP addresses.
Matches any number of characters
Matches any single character
6. Click Save.
The changes are saved.