webApp Configuration Properties
These properties are not cluster-aware and, hence, you must manually copy them to all the nodes.
General properties
Location: SAG_root/profiles/ISIS_Instance_Name/apigateway/config/uiconfiguration.properties.
API Gateway supports both Form-based and SAML-based authentication. If both are enabled, this property decides the login page to be displayed, by default, when a user visits the login page http://host:port/apigatewayui. A user can go to a specific login page using:
http://host:port/apigatewayui/saml/sso/login Possible values: Form, SAML.
Default value is Form.
This property enables or disables Form-based authentication. If both SAML and Form are disabled, the value Form is retained by default.
Possible values: true, false.
Default value is true.
If a protected resource is accessed and the Form-based authentication is enabled, user is redirected to this page.
Default value is /login.
Host where the IS package is hosted. localhost is replaced by the hostname that is resolved through localhost.
The port changes to the default port of the Integration Server instance irrespective of HTTP or HTTPS.
Default value is http://localhost:port. Here, port denotes the port that is configured at the time of installation.
This property denotes the language to be used in the API Gateway UI.
Default value is en (English).
This property denotes the user session timeout value in minutes.
Default value is 90.
Location : SAG_root/profiles/IS_IS_Instance_Name/apigateway/config/uiconfiguration.properties
Decides whether Kibana should be started as part of web-app.
Possible values: true, false.
Default value is true.
Denotes the URL where Kibana is running. localhost is replaced by the hostname that is resolved through localhost. The port and other configurations of the Kibana can be changed from SAG_root/profiles/IS_IS_Instance_Name/apigateway/kibana-4.5.1/config/kibana.yml
Default value is http://localhost:9405
Denotes the URL where API Gateway Data Store (HTTP) is running. localhost is replaced by the hostname that is resolved through localhost.
Default value is http://localhost:port
port denotes the API Gateway Data Store HTTP port configured during installation.
If the configured host resolves to the host name of the localhost, the port changes to the HTTP port configured in the SAG_root/InternalDataStore/config/elasticsearch.yml file.