Column | Description |
API | Name of the API in which the event occurred. Example: SampleAPI |
API Version | The system-assigned version identifier for the API. Example: 1.0.0 |
Application ID | The unique identifier for the application associated with the API invocation. Example: 7908eb44-d107-4670-929d-89111fc9347c |
Application IP Address | IP address of the application associated with the API invocation. Example: |
Application Name | Name of the application associated with the API invocation. An application name is populated as unknown when API Gateway is unable to identify the application using a security policy that is configured for the API. Example: SampleApplication |
Correlation ID | The unique identifier that is automatically generated for every request coming to API Gateway and can be used to query the log. Example: MED38e9cfa4-2348-408b-9462-124b2181c1a6:656 |
customFields | The custom fields an API Provider can provide to log a new field and value for a transaction event. Example: {"customfield":"customvalue"} |
Error origin | The origin of error. Example: Nativeservice |
External Calls | List the external calls from API Gateway. These external calls can be to a native service or service registry. Example: [{ "externalCallType":"SERVICE_REGISTRY_CALL", "externalURL":"", "callDuration":49, "callStartTime":1562244570486, "callEndTime":1562244570535, "responseCode": "200" }, { "externalCallType":"NATIVE_SERVICE_CALL", "externalURL": "", "callDuration":1285, "callStartTime":1562244569252, "callEndTime":1562244570537, "responseCode":"200" }] |
Invoked at | Date and time the API is invoked. Example: Invoked at 5/14/18 6:56 PM |
Native HTTP Method | The HTTP method used to invoke the native service. Example: GET |
Native Request Headers | Request header in the incoming request from the API Gateway to native service. Example: { "Authorization":"**************", "Accept": "*/*", "Authorization": "**************", "Accept":"*/*", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "User-Agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.13.0", "Postman-Token": "381424fa-e3b3-4058-8df9-4abf9d72c899", "postmanHeader": "hello", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } |
Native Req Payload | The native service request data. Example: { "param1" : "value1", "param2" : 10 } |
Native Response Headers | Response header in the outgoing response from the native service to API Gateway. Example: { "Server":"Jetty(9.2.9.v20150224)", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, POST, DELETE, PUT", "Connection":"close", "Date": "Fri, 07 Jun 2019 12:44:13 GMT", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type, api_key, Authorization", "Content-Type": "application/json" } |
Native Res Payload | The native service response data. Example: { "id":2, "category": { "id":2, "name":"string" }, "name":"pysen", "photoUrls":["string"], "tags": [{ "id":0, "name":"string" }], "status":"available" } |
Native URL | URL of the native service. Example: |
Operation/Resource name | Name of the API operation or resource that is invoked. Example: /pet |
Partner ID | The unique identifier for the partner that generated the audit record. Example: unknown |
queryParameteres | This is applicable only for REST APIs. Query parameters present in the incoming REST request. Example: {"status":"available"} |
requestHeaders | Request header in the incoming request from the client. Example: { "Cache-Control":"max-age=0", "Accept":"text/plain,application/json; q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*; q=0.8", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests":"1", "Connection":"keep-alive", "User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0(Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181Safari/537.36", "Host":"mcdaso02:5555", "Accept-Encoding":"gzip,deflate", "Accept-Language":"en-US,en;q=0.9,ta;q=0.8", "Content-Type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } |
responseHeaders | Response header in the outgoing response. Example: { "Server":"Jetty(9.2.9.v20150224)", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin":"*", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods":"GET,POST,DELETE, PUT", "Connection":"close", "Date":"Fri, 30 Mar 2018 08:25:45 GMT", "Access-Control-Allow-Headers":"Content-Type,api_key, Authorization", "Content-Type":"application/xml" } |
Runtime Policy | Name of the API Gateway policy that triggered the event. Example: Log Invocation |
Session Id | A string the API Gateway server generates to uniquely identify each session. This is either the IS session token or the automatically generated GUID if the token is missing from the message context. Example: 81439d366e874bc79d9f81490e30e6e0 |
Source Gateway Node | Source API Gateway's IP address. Example: |
Status | Status of the API request. Possible values are: SUCCESS, FAILURE |
Target endpoint | The endpoint URL of the native API that is invoked. Example: |
Column | Description |
Application ID | The unique identifier for the application associated with the API invocation. Example: 7908eb44-d107-4670-929d-89111fc9347c |
Application IP | IP address of the application associated with the API invocation. Example: |
Breached attribute | The monitored attribute which has breached the configured SLA. Example: AVGRESPONSETIME GT 1.0, SUCCESSCOUNT EQ 3, REQUESTCOUNT EQ 1 |
Description | Message that describes the event that occurred. Example: Alert_Message |
Name | Name of the application associated with the API invocation. An application name is populated as Unknown when API Gateway is unable to identify the application using a security policy that is configured for the API. Example: Unknown |
Native Endpoint | The endpoint URL of the native API that is invoked. Example: |
Operation/Resource name | Name of the API operation or resource that is invoked. Example: /pet |
Policy name | Name of the API Gateway policy that triggered the event. Example: Monitor Policy |