Viewing WebSocket Server Endpoints for a WebSocket Port
You can view a list of the WebSocket server endpoints for a WebSocket port.
To view the connections to a WebSocket port
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator.
2. In the Navigation panel of the screen, on the Security menu, click Ports.
3. On the Security > Ports screen, click the port number of a WebSocket port.
4. On the Security > Ports > View WebSocket Port Details screen, click WebSocket Server Endpoints.
Integration Server Administrator displays the Security > Ports > WebSocket Server Endpoints screen. The WebSocket - Registered Server Endpoints table lists the WebSocket server endpoints on that port. For each connection Integration Server Administrator displays the following information:
Field | Description |
WebSocket URI | Indicates the server endpoint that the WebSocket client uses to connect. |
Active Sessions | Indicates the number of active sessions in the server. Click the current number of sessions to display the WebSocket Server Sessions screen. |
Note: If there are no active sessions, this displays No Active Sessions found for WebSocket port <portNumber>.