Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.4 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Getting Started with webMethods and Terracotta | System Caches Used by the webMethods Product Suite | webMethods Integration Server | SoftwareAG.IS.Core.OAuthAuthCodes
Contains OAuth authorization codes that are issued for the OAuth authorization code grant flows.
The information held in this cache is temporary. This cache is not persisted.
The following table shows the number of elements, their size, lifetime, cache type, and if they are searchable or not.
Element Size
Element Lifetime
Cache Type
1 per authorization code grant in progress
Less than 1 KB
From the time an access request is approved by the resource owner until the time an access token is issued, or the interval specified by the watt.server.oauth.authCode.expirySeconds parameter, whichever is shorter

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