Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.4 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Universal Messaging Administration Guide | Universal Messaging Enterprise Manager | Administration Using Enterprise Manager | Queue Administration | Editing Queues
Editing Queues
This section describes the process of editing queues in Universal Messaging realms. Each queue that is created consists of a physical object within the Universal Messaging realm as well as its logical reference within the namespace.
Editing queues using the Enterprise Manager enables you to change specific attributes for a queue, such as name, TTL, capacity or even the realm on which the queue exists.
When a queue is edited, its attributes and any events found on the queue will be copied into a temporary queue, the old queue is then deleted and then the new queue is created and the events are then copied from the temporary queue onto the new queue.
Since editing a queue involves deleting the old queue, certain activities and objects associated with the old queue are also terminated and may need to be recreated. For details, see the section Deleting Channels and Queues.
As far as possible, queue events are held in memory for performance reasons. The temporary queue is also held in memory, and requires the same amount of memory as the queue being edited. The realm server must be able to allocate sufficient memory to store the temporary copy, otherwise the queue edit operation will be aborted and an error will be logged. If such a situation occurs, you can resolve it by allocating additional heap size, so that the temporary copy can exist in memory at the same time as the queue being edited.
In order to edit a queue, select it in the namespace, and then after right-clicking on the node, a menu will be displayed with the various options for a queue node. The image below shows this menu.
By selecting the 'Edit Queue' option, you will be presented with a dialog that allows you to modify the details of the queue. These details not only include the queue attributes, but also the realm to which the queue exists. The image below shows the edit queue dialog.
The image shows a drop down list containing all the names of the realms that the enterprise manager is currently connected to. By selecting a realm name from the list, it is possible to move the selected queue to any of the available realms. Clicking on the 'OK' button will perform the edit operation on the queue.
There are also a number of Storage Properties associated with the queue which can be configured by clicking the "Edit..." button to the right of "Storage Properties".

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