Pushing the Docker Image to Integration Cloud
Use the pushImage command to push the Docker image created for an on-premise Integration Server to a Docker registry that is hosted by Integration Cloud.
Note: Before you push a Docker image for Integration Server to webMethods Cloud, a repository for the Integration Server image must exist on webMethods Cloud for the stage to which you want to push the image. Furthermore, the repository name must correspond to the image name portion of the Docker image name. For example, in the Docker image name “is:microPkg”, “is” is the image name and “microPkg” is the tag given to the image name. Before you push the Docker image to Integration Cloud, a repository named “is” must exist on Integration Cloud for the specified stage.
To push the Docker image to
Integration Cloud 1. Navigate to the following directory:
Software AG_directory/ Integration Server_directory /docker
2. Run the following command:
is_container.sh/bat pushImage required arguments [optional arguments]
Argument | Description |
-Duser= user ID | Username to access Integration Cloud. |
-Dpassword= password | Optional. Passsword to access Integration Cloud. You will be prompted to provide a password later if you do not provide one with the pushImage command. |
-Dserver= URL of Integration Cloud | URL for Integration Cloud. Example: subDomain name.webmethodscloud.com |
-Dsubdomain.name= subdomain Name | Subdomain for Integration Cloud. Example: subdomain name.webmethodscloud.com |
-Dstage.name={development|test|prelive|live} | Stage to which to push the image. |
-Dimage.name= Docker_ image_name | Name of the Docker image to push, such as the Integration Server image. Example: is:microPkg |