Modifying a Rule
After a rule exists, you can modify any portion of it that is editable.
To modify a rule
1. As system administrator: Administration > User Interface > Manage rule-type Rules > View Rules.
where rule-type contains the rule you want to modify.
2. For the rule you want to modify, click and then click Modify Rule. 3. Do any of the following:
In the
Name field, type a new name for the rule.
(Optional) In the
Description field, type a new description for the rule.
To disable the rule, clear
Is Enabled.
To modify a condition for individual users, click
Current User(s) and do the following:
i. In the Keywords field, type a keyword representing the users you want to search for, and click Search.
ii. Move one or more users to the Selected box and click Apply.
To modify a condition based on group or role membership, click
Group / Role Membership and do the following:
i. Under Search For, choose the Groups or Roles option.
ii. In the Keywords field, type a keyword representing the groups or roles you want to search for, and click Search.
iii. Move one or more groups or roles to the Selected box and click Apply.
To modify a condition based on user attributes, click
User Attributes, in the
Pick User Attribute list, choose a user attribute, and click
For more information about the user attributes in the list, see
User Information.
To modify a condition based on global session attributes, click
Global Session and do the following:
i. In the Global Session Attribute Name field, type the name for the global session attribute.
ii. (Optional) In the Variable Value field, type a new value for the global attribute.
iii. Click Apply.
To modify a condition based on the request header, click
Request and do the following:
i. Choose the expression, and click Submit.
ii. In the Condition field, complete the expression.
For example, assume that you want to match any HTTP GET request. The wizard moves #{request.method} into the Condition field and you type the remainder: #{request.method} == "GET"
To modify a condition that matches the current resource or a parent of the current resource, click
Parent Resource and then do the following:
i. To find children of a resource, click the name of the resource.
ii. To select a resource, click the option button to the left of the resource.
iii. Click Apply.
To modify a condition that matches the current resource type, click
Current Resource Type, choose the resource type and do the following:.
i. To find children of a resource, click the name of the resource.
ii. To select a resource, click the option button to the left of the resource.
iii. Click Apply.
To modify a condition for a resource property and a value associated with it, click
Resource Properties, and do the following:
i. In the Property Name field, type the property name.
ii. In the Property Value field, type the property value.
iii. Click Apply.
Modify the
Result as needed field as needed.
4. Click Update Rule.