Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.4 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Administering My webMethods Server | Analysis, Reporting, and Troubleshooting | Collecting Data About Server Events | Deploying the Events Collector Page
Deploying the Events Collector Page
The Events Collector page is part of a standard My webMethods Server installation but is not deployed by default. Before you can use the page, you must first deploy it on the server.
* To deploy the Events Collector Configuration page on a server
1. Locate the Events Collector Configuration page at this location in the My webMethods Server directory structure:
Software AG_directory \MWS\components\extras\analysis\wm_eventscollector.pdp
2. Copy the wm_eventscollector.pdp file and paste it into the Deploy directory:
Software AG_directory \MWS\server\server_name\deploy
where server_name is the name of the server. After several seconds, the page is automatically deployed on the server.

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