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Applying a Custom Skin and Shell to My webMethods
System administrators can completely change the look-and-feel of My webMethods by configuring it to use a custom skin and shell.
* To apply a custom skin and shell to My webMethods
1. Create the custom shell you want to use. For instructions, see Working with Shells in My webMethods Server.
2. Create the custom skin you want to use. For instructions, see Customizing Skins.
3. Configure My webMethods so that it uses your custom shell:
a. Navigate to Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Shell Rules.
b. Click the My webMethods link to open the shell rule that My webMethods uses.
c. On the Modify Rules tab, in the Results list, select the name of your custom shell.
d. Click Update Rule.
4. Configure My webMethods so that it uses your custom skin:
a. Navigate to Folders > Administrative Folders > Administration Dashboard > User Interface > Manage Skin Rules.
b. Click the My webMethods link to open the skin rule that My webMethods uses.
c. On the Modify Rules tab, in the Results list, select the name of your custom skin.
d. Click Update Rule.

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