Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.4 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | Universal Messaging Administration Guide | Using Command Central to Manage Universal Messaging | Universal Messaging and the Command Line Interface | Port Configuration Commands
Port Configuration Commands
You can create, update, and delete a port for a Universal Messaging server instance using the Command Central command-line interface.
*Create a port using the sagcc create configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver COMMON-PORTS --input_port_configuration.xml --password Command Central password command.
The input port configuration XML file should be of the following format:
<Port alias="nhp1">
<Property name="autostart">true</Property>
<Property name="allowforinterrealm">true</Property>
<Property name="authtime">1000</Property>
<Property name="EnableNIO">true</Property>
<Property name="acceptThreads">2</Property>
<Property name="receivebuffersize">1310721</Property>
<Property name="SelectThreads">4</Property>
<Property name="advertise">true</Property>
<Property name="allowclientconnections">true</Property>
<Property name="Backlog">100</Property>
<Property name="Alias"/>
<Property name="keyAlias"/>
<Property name="sendbuffersize">1310721</Property>
<Property name="EnableHTTP11">true</Property>
<Property name="EnableJavaScript">true</Property>
<Property name="CORSAllowCredentials">true</Property>
<Property name="CORSAllowedOrigins">*</Property>
<Property name="AjaxLPActiveDelay">100</Property>
<Property name="EnableWebSockets">true</Property>
<Property name="EnableGZipLP">true</Property>
<Property name="MinimumBytesBeforeGZIP">1000</Property>
<Property name="AjaxLPIdleDelay">60000</Property>
<Property name="header1Name">foo</Property>
<Property name="header1Value">bar</Property>
<Property name="header1UserAgent">mozilla</Property>
*Modify the configuration of a port using the sagcc update configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver COMMON-PORTS-port name --input_port_configuration.xml --password Command Central password command.
*Delete a port using the sagcc delete configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver COMMON-PORTS-port name --input_port_configuration.xml --password Command Central password command.
*To create a port for a Universal Messaging server instance with "Universal-Messaging-umserver" component ID that runs in the installation with alias name “sag01”, where input_port.xml is an XML file containing port configuration information:
sagcc create configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
COMMON-PORTS --input_port.xml --password myccpassword
*To update or modify port configuration for a Universal Messaging server instance with "Universal-Messaging-umserver" component ID that runs in the installation with alias name “sag01”, where input_port.xml is an XML file containing the updated port configuration information, and nhp1 is the name of the port to be updated:
sagcc update configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
COMMON-PORTS-nhp1 --input_port.xml --password myccpassword
*To delete a port for a Universal Messaging server instance with "Universal-Messaging-umserver" component ID that runs in the installation with alias name “sag01”, where input_port.xml is an XML file containing the updated port configuration information, and nhp1 is the name of the port to be deleted:
sagcc delete configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
COMMON-PORTS-nhp1 --input_port.xml --password myccpassword

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