JNDI Asset Configuration Commands
You can create, view, update, and delete a JNDI asset. Ensure that the Universal Messaging server instance is running before running the following commands.
View all the configuration types for a
Universal Messaging server instance using the
sagcc get configuration types node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver command.
View all the configuration instances for a
Universal Messaging server instance using the
sagcc get configuration instances node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver command.
Create a new JNDI connection factory by passing parameters defined in an XML file using the
sagcc create configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-CF -i absolute path to the XML file command. You can create the following connection factory types:
QueueConnectionFactory, and
The XML file should contain the parameters in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<durableType>type of durable</durableType>
Note: The parameters name, type, and url are required, and the durableType parameter is optional.
Create a new JNDI destination by passing parameters defined in an XML file using the
sagcc create configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-DEST -i absolute path to the XML file command. You can create the following destination types:
Topic and
The XML file should contain the parameters in the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
name parameter can include upper and lower case alphabetic characters, digits (0-9), double colon (::), slash (/), and periods (.), for example, destination1. Use the double colon (::) for specifying nested name space, for example, destination1::destination2. A combination of special characters in a name is not allowed, for example, destination1::destination2/destination3. storeName parameter can include upper and lower case alphabetic characters, digits (0-9), double colon (::), slash (/), and underscores (_) but cannot include periods (.).
Retrieve information about a specific JNDI connection factory using the
sagcc get configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-CF-connection_factory_name command.
Retrieve information about a specific JNDI destination using the
sagcc get configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-DEST-destination_name command.
Update a JNDI connection factory by passing the new parameters defined in an XML file using the
sagcc update configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-CF-connection_factory_name -i absolute path to the XML file command.
Important: You can update the URL and the durableType property, you cannot update the name of the connection factory.
Delete a JNDI connection factory using the
sagcc delete configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-CF-connection_factory_name command.
Delete a JNDI destination using the
sagcc delete configuration data node_alias Universal-Messaging-umserver UM-JNDI-DEST-destination_name command.
Note: Deleting a JNDI destination will not delete the channel or queue that exists on the Universal Messaging server instance.
Usage Notes
Updating JNDI destinations is not supported.
Creating a connection factory and destination with the same name is not allowed for a
Universal Messaging server instance.
To view all the configuration types for a
Universal Messaging server instance:
sagcc get configuration types sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running.
To view all the configuration instances for a
Universal Messaging server instance:
sagcc get configuration instances sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running.
To create a new JNDI connection factory by passing parameters defined in an XML file:
sagcc create configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
UM-JNDI-CF -i C:\jndi\connecton_factory.xml
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-CF is the configuration type and C:\jndi\connecton_factory.xml is the absolute path to the XML file in which the parameters are defined. Example of properties defined in the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
To create a new JNDI destination by passing parameters defined in an XML file:
sagcc create configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
UM-JNDI-DEST -i C:\jndi\destination.xml
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-DEST is the configuration type and C:\jndi\destination.xml is the absolute path to the XML file in which the parameters are defined. Example of properties defined in the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
To retrieve information about a specific JNDI connection factory:
sagcc get configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-CF is the configuration type and connectionfactory1 is the name of the JNDI connection factory from which information is to be retrieved.
To retrieve information about a specific JNDI destination:
sagcc get configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-DEST is the configuration type and destination1 is the name of the JNDI destination from which information is to be retrieved.
To update a JNDI connection factory by passing the new parameters defined in an XML file:
sagcc update configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
UM-JNDI-CF-connectionfactory1 -i C:\jndi\update.xml
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-CF is the configuration type, onnectionfactory1 is the name of the connection factory to be updated, and C:\jndi\update.xml is the absolute path to the XML file in which the updated parameters are defined. Example of properties defined in the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
To delete a JNDI connection factory:
sagcc delete configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-CF is the configuration type and connectionfactory1 is the name of the JNDI connection factory.
To delete a JNDI destination:
sagcc delete configuration data sag01 Universal-Messaging-umserver
sag01 is the alias name of the installation where Universal-Messaging-umserver server instance is running. UM-JNDI-DEST is the configuration type and destination1 is the name of the JNDI destination.