Creating an Instance on the Command Line
The following table lists the parameters that you use when you create a Universal Messaging realm server, Enterprise Manager, or Template Applications instance using the Command Central instance management commands.
Command | Parameter | Description |
sagcc create instances | NUMRealmServer, NUMEnterpriseManager, and NUMTemplateApplications | The product ID for the Universal Messaging realm server, Enterprise Manager, or Template Applications instance, respectively. |
| | Required. A name for the new Universal Messaging instance. |
| instance.ip=ipAddress | Optional. An IP address for the Universal Messaging server interface. If you do not specify a value, the default value is |
| instance.port=port | Optional. A port number for the Universal Messaging server. If you do not specify a value, the default value is 9000. |
| instance.dataDir | Optional. Absolute path to the Universal Messaging server data directory. If you do not specify a path, the default directory location is used for creating the data directory. Location of the default directory is: <InstallDir>/UniversalMessaging/server/<InstanceName> |
| license.file | Optional. Absolute path to the Universal Messaging license file. If you do not specify a path, the default license is used. Location of the default directory is: <InstallDir>/UniversalMessaging/server/<InstanceName> |
| instance.config.profile={wM|TC|CUSTOM} | Optional. Initial configuration settings for the Universal Messaging server instance. Values are: wM: webMethods suite use cases. TC: Standalone use cases. CUSTOM: Custom profile. |
| instance.config.file=file_path | Required if the instance.config.profile parameter value is CUSTOM. Absolute path to the custom profile XML file. |
| install.service={true|false} | Optional. Specify if a Windows service will be registered during instance creation. The default value is false. |
Important: You cannot rename a Universal Messaging instance.
To check if
Universal Messaging supports instance management operations through
Command Central for a node with alias “messagingNode”:
sagcc list instances messagingNode supportedproducts
To create a new instance for an installed
Universal Messaging realm server with instance name “umserver” and port number “9000” on a node with alias “messagingNode”:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMRealmServer
instance.ip= instance.port=9000
To create a new instance for an installed
Universal Messaging server with instance name “umserver” and port number “9000”, and with a custom data directory path and license file, on a node with alias “messagingNode”:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMRealmServer
instance.ip= instance.port=9000
license.file=absolute path to the license file
To create a new instance for an installed
Universal Messaging realm server with instance name "umserver" and port number “9000” on a node with alias “messagingNode”, and provide initial configuration settings:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMRealmServer
instance.ip= instance.port=9000 instance.config.profile=wM or TC
To create a new instance of
Universal Messaging server instance named "umserver" on port number “9000” of the node with alias “messagingNode”, and provide custom initial configuration settings:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMRealmServer
instance.ip= instance.port=9000 instance.config.profile=CUSTOM
instance.config.file=absolute path to the custom profile XML file
To register a Windows service when creating the
Universal Messaging server instance named “umserver” on port number “9000” of the node with alias “messagingNode”:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMRealmServer
To read the following properties of
Universal Messaging server named “umserver":
Port number
License path
Interface IP address
Server data directory path
Service status
sagcc list instances messagingNode Universal-Messaging-umserver
Note: The service associated with the instance is automatically deleted when the instance is deleted.
To create an Enterprise Manager instance named “EM1”:
sagcc create instances messagingNode NUMEnterpriseManager
instance.ip= instance.port=9000
Use the Universal Messaging Instance Manager tool to delete the Enterprise Manager and Template Applications instances. You cannot use Command Central commands for deleting these instances as they are not listed in the product inventory.
Note: You can create a Template Applications instance using the same command used to create an Enterprise Manager instance.