Running Business Processes and Composite Applications 10.4 | Running Business Processes and Composite Applications | webMethods Task Engine User’s Guide | Configuring the Task Engine Environment | About Task Engine Optional Settings | Return Order of Task Data Fields
Return Order of Task Data Fields
This option specifies how task data fields are ordered when returning task business document values back to Integration Server, or when using the pub.task.taskclient.getTask and pub.task.taskclient.searchTasks services, or services that depend on getTask and searchTasks, such as:
*GET Task Instance
*GET Tasks
*POST a Complex Task Search
The option is:|false
The default is false. When set to false, task business data document fields are returned in an order that does not match the order defined in the document type. Set the value to true to ensure the proper order of fields is returned (that is, corresponding to the order defined in the document type).
When this value is set to true, additional data is returned, which may affect existing consumers of Task Engine Web services. When set to false, existing web service behavior does not change.
This flag impacts WmTaskClient services, standard Task Engine Web services, and REST web services. For Task Engine Web services, business data documents are returned in a SOAP serialized map, which does not define an order for its entries. When this option is set to true, Task Engine returns the __fieldsOrder key of the business data, which contains the order of the fields as a string array of field names in the order they are present in the document.
This option requires that the metadata describing the field order in the document type must be present in the task application. For versions prior to 8.2, you must install the Designer fix DES_8.0_SP2_CAD_Fix5 to obtain this functionality. After this fix is applied to Designer, the required metadata is generated whenever a new task is created. To generate metadata for previously created tasks after you apply this fix:
1. In Designer, open the previously created task in the task editor.
2. On the Business Data tab, select the document type you want to create metadata for.
3. Click Refresh. This re-generates the business data document and creates the field order metadata used by the runtime.
4. Repeat for any additional documents in the task.

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